Roses have long been the focal attraction for their beautiful and fragrant cut flowers, but no roses are lovelier than those gathered fresh from your own garden. There are numerous classes of roses, ranging from micro-miniatures to grandifloras and from groundcovers to climbing roses, with some classes containing hundreds of varieties. Here are some great tips and tricks for the unerring care of your rose bushes and for getting innumerable beautiful flowers in your garden:

  • Right time

If you are new in the field of gardening the best time to plant roses is in the spring, after the last frost, or in the autumn at least five to six weeks before the first frost in your area. Spring and winters are the right time, as like roses many other beautiful plants are easy and likable to growth during winters.

  •  Appropriate watering is the key

Roses are not too water friendly flowers. Watering, when needed should be done. In summers regular watering works great for the plant while in winters or comparatively lower temperature, water it when upper layer of the leaves tend to get dry or in alternate days.

  • Correct spot

Roses must be placed where they will receive a minimum of 5 to 6 hours of full sun per day. Morning sun is especially important because it dries the leaves, which helps prevent diseases. Roses grown in partial sun may not die at once, but they weaken gradually. In winters keep it where it gets sunlight for 3 to 4 hours, if foggy atmosphere leave it for the whole day. In summers place it in semi shade; direct sunlight should be avoided during summers.

  • ·         Soil enriched with fertilizer

The ideal soil is rich and loose, with good drainage. One of the worst mistakes you can make is to not provide adequate drainage. 40% garden soil mixed with 30% sand, 15% used tea and 15% vermicompost or cow dunk compost is a great mixture to be provided to your rose plant. Decomposed tea is very beneficial for the overall growth of the rose plant. Also add bone meal fertilizer which is rich in calcium to your soil. 4 -5 spoons of bone meal in 10 inch pot is the right amount to be used.
  •  Spray pesticide regularly

Be careful about the fungus and pests on your rose especially during winter season. To prevent your plant from these spray any pesticide regularly on your plant. Also pest like mildew develops rapidly during warm, humid weather, prevent mildew by pruning out all dead or diseased canes.

 For the best show of flowers and the healthiest rose bushes, one needs to follow all these steps. Also along with these steps regular pruning and cutting plays an important role, I have already written a blog on how to grow rose from cutting and its benefits, if you haven’t yet read it tap on the link given below.


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