Decorate your home with these beautiful bougainvillea flowers. They are pretty and colorful, sure to add color to your life. They come in many colors, size and variety. Colors run the gamut from white (Miss Alice) to all the way to purple, pink and many more. If given proper care your bougainvillea can bloom for all 12 months. Bougainvillea come in different varieties and types like bushy, vines and compact forms that are best for growing in pots and containers.

Here are some tips for the growing and care of bougainvillea:

When it comes to watering, bougainvillea is pretty drought tolerant once established. Watering should not be done at very high rate, water must be provided when needed. When you notice that leaves are drying, then only watering should be done this would boost flowering process of your bougainvillea and will ensure more and more flowers in your plant. Also keep in mind that the pot in which you grow your plant should have at least 2 to 3 holes at bottom so that excess water can drain out easily from it to prevent your plant from rotting.

Bougainvillea is a sun loving plant, it gives its maximum flowering in summers, in winters the flowering rate decreases to a great extent. If you are a resident of hilly area or where there is low temperature you can keep your plant in balcony or in any indoor area as the plant hates low temperature. It needs 5- 6 hours sunlight daily, also sunlight during the mid-day should also be avoided as at that time direct sun rays are there. In short, Proper amount of exposure to the sun will result in good growth and color of bougainvillea.

These types of plants propagate very easily especially if you do the phenomenon in rainy season. The torch glow variety of bougainvillea and in all other varieties also propagation can be done using cutting method.

Bougainvillea is a heavy feeder plant; it likes well-drained soil with lot of richness in it. The soil can be the mixture of garden soil, sand and cow dung, also their concentrations can vary a little for different varieties like for torch glow variety they can be in percentage like 40% garden soil, 40% sand and 20% cow dunk.

If your flowering machine is not doing its main job and is not growing properly, it can be because of multiple reasons. For example the plant may have diseases like wrinkled leaf disease. It is also possible that the mistake may have occurred during the previous stages by the caretaker or gardener.

Here are some steps which you can follow to make your plant healthy again:

1. Change the soil of your plant and also add vermicompost to the new manure spray. The vermicompost should be added in every 20 days to the soil; this method can be applied to any other plant also which you feel that is not growing properly.

2. While watering your plant, remember to spray water in early morning or in the evening after sun sets because if the moisture retains in the plant the chances of fungal infection also increases. Spray pesticides or fungicide on your plant once a week.

3. If you feel that your plant is excessively bushy, crop out some of the useless branches from it so that air can flow through the plant, this will prevent yellowing of leaves of your plant.

4. Do soft pruning regularly on your plant. Pruning process is beneficial in winter season as at that time there is not much flowering and pruning process will ensure flowering in future.

5. And last and the most important is to use FLOWERING BOOSTING FERTILIZERS like dried and crushed banana peels which is a good source of nutrients and bone meal which provides calcium and phosphorus to the plants. Bone meal will be easily available in your nearby gardening shops and nurseries. You can also give liquid fertilizers like NPK fertilizer by mixing one spoon of it into one litre water; DAP fertilizer can also be used as it is not so rich in nitrogen which will confirm more number of flowers over leaves in your plant. Spring season is best to provide the plant with fertilizers, in winters there is not much need of fertilizers.

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