Chrysanthemums (mums) are one of the most popular flowers for your garden. Most varieties of it are easy to grow with their basic needs being full sun, rich soil, good drainage, and good air circulation. With flowers of vibrant colors they always grace your garden with their pleasant blooms and add on to its beauty. Here are some very easy 5 key points which one needs to remember to get innumerable flowers from your mum:

   1.   Appropriate Spot plays a pivotal role

For mums, maximum sunlight results in maximum flowering. For this place it where it receives sunlight all day long. Something which is good for vegetables, it’s good for mums, vegetables also need more sunlight, the reason for it is plants need more energy from sun for opening of new buds. Also, if it doesn’t receives enough sunlight it will result in a weaker plant that will produce fewer flower heads.

2.    Spraying of pesticides

Pests can include aphids, caterpillars, leaf hoppers, plant bugs and spider mites which can damage your plant drastically and will deter it from flowering. Avoid this by using Malathion pesticide and spray it once in a week. If not Malathion you can use neem oil but methodical spray of pesticide is very important if you want to enjoy maximum flowering.

3.    Fertilizers, a step for boosting flowering

For mums, flowering requires a lot of energy as too many flowers bloom at the same time which requires a way lot of energy to grow.
Start feeding your plant with regular doses of bone meal extract mixed with cow dung in every 15 days, both of these is slow releasing fertilizers, for instant effect go for chemical fertilizers like DAP which is best for promoting flowering and fruiting. DAP can be used according to the size of your pot like 10 inch container will need 10 seeds of DAP.
If not DAP, then the best alternative to it is potash powder, one spoon of it provides the accurate amount of potassium nourishment to your plant and promotes flowering. Potassium is the main element which a plant requires the most at its flowering stage you can provide potassium to your plant via various ways as given above, also it can be given organically by decomposing banana peels in water and then feeding your plant with that. Banana is enriched with potassium and helps a lot in flowering.

4.    Do regular cutting

Regular cutting and removal of dead flowers is another key which you must remember for getting heavy branches completely filled with flowers. By regular cutting it means cutting the flower bud which tends to dry in sometime. If you will not do so the buds which have dried will suck the energy of your plant. By cutting it you ensure that the energy of your mum is used in growing of new branches and buds.

5.    Proper watering is the key

The last but not the least is watering your mums properly. Mums need moisture all the time, so watering it daily with some water is the right way to water it. You don’t have to follow a strict time-table for its watering just water it when you feel like the soil is drying. You can also use mulch in summers for retaining moisture.

Keeping in mind these 5 points will surely result in a mum with innumerable beautiful and pretty flowers.

A/N: If you like this blog or for any query please comment below.


  1. My mums plant leaves turn into dry whats d solution

    1. sry for late.....if your old leaves are getting dried it is the natural process so dont worry,if new leaves are getting dried so it can be because of fungal infection as this time it is winters...so spray any fungicide on it....if you have any other queries you can ask me


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