I think most of us have grown up watching one beautiful plant in our garden: MONEY PLANT. Money plant is one of the most common and a must have if we consider our gardens. Known for its good luck, it is believed that having a money plant at home brings benefits such as, happiness, wealth and prosperity. It is the best option to grow if you have new found interest in gardening as you can enjoy this plant for its fun and unusual trunk, lively green leaves, and relatively low-maintenance watering needs. There are several ways by which the plant can be grown and can be taken care of. Some people grow money plant in indoors in water and some grow it in soil in their gardens. Here are some tips using which one can grow correctly and with ease a healthy money plant at home. START WITH GROWING CUTTING No doubt that there are endless methods by which one can grow its plant but when it comes to money plant the most effortless and straight forward way is to ...